Their Minds Are Made Up

Don’t confuse them with facts.

Congressmen John Lewis (D, GA), G.K. Butterfield (D, NC), and Earl Blumenauer (D, OR) have announced they’re going to skip out on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the full Congress on 3 March.

Never mind that this man on the scene might have some expertise about the Middle East and the threats posed by Islamic terrorists and by Iran. President Barack Obama has given them all the wisdom they need.

Blumenauer went so far as to say

I will refuse to be part of a reckless act of political grandstanding[.]

Because gathering actual facts independently of the Democrats’ approved analysis is political grandstanding.

This cowardice, or this arrogance—your call—is inexcusable by men who play a role in determining national policy.

Remember this in the 2016 elections in their districts.

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