“Democrats Destroy Democracy to Save It”

That’s the headline of Doug Schoen’s op-ed in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal. However, the subheadline corrects the matter.

Party leaders protected Biden from voters, then dumped him for Harris. Is this any way to win?

The Progressive-Democratic Party leaders are moving to destroy democracy to save the Party. This campaign season has had only two goals for Party: beat Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, and Party winning the election, which Party leaders define as retaining the White House and Senate and regaining the House. Schoen made this clear in his second paragraph:

They also undermined their promise to “save democracy” from the threat of Donald Trump. Mr Trump’s party nominated him in an open, competitive process. The Democrats cleared the field for Mr Biden, then forced him out of the race for a candidate who has received only a few hundred primary votes—in 2020, after withdrawing before the Iowa caucuses.

There is no Party goal of implementing its policies for the good of our nation, only of increasing Party power in our government—and over us average Americans.

Full stop.

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