That’s Nice

The Republican National Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee are jointly holding “training” sessions aimed at their activists, our campaign managers, our consultants, everyone who’s in our ecosystem on

topics such as working with the voter file, building turnout projections and vote goals, polling and modeling, online fundraising, digital advertising, social media, grassroots voter contact data and TV optimization.

Their goal is to give their election support audiences

a better understanding of how to be efficient with their time, whom they’re targeting, and the tools they’re using in order to make calls faster, send more text messages, and knock on the right doors.

That’s nice. It’s even highly useful, but it’s badly insufficient.

What about training sessions for actual candidates and their aids and surrogates, sessions aimed at getting them to stop being too timid to go talk to voters where they live?

What about sessions aimed at getting candidates and their aids and surrogates knocking on all doors rather than excluding some voters?

What about sessions aimed at getting candidates and their aids and surrogates into black neighborhoods, Hispanic neighborhoods, Asian-American neighborhoods and talking to these folks directly—in their diners, in their rec centers, in their parks and playgrounds, in their streets?

Unless Republicans and Conservatives stop insisting on reaching their non-white constituents by remote control and instead start talking to them personally, they’ll continue to struggle in elections. And our nation will continue to struggle in the elections’ aftermaths.

Let it Fail

Progressive-Democrats are moving to attach a debt ceiling increase, or “temporary” waiver to the debt ceiling, to a continuing resolution that would fund the Federal government for a few more months. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) and Senate Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D):

The legislation to avoid a government shutdown will also include a suspension of the debt limit through December 2022 to once again meet our obligations and protect the full faith and credit of the United States[.]

This proposal is both unnecessary and disingenuous. It’s unnecessary because as the Schumer Shutdown and the Obama Shutdowns both showed, the Federal government isn’t all that necessary in its present size. Indeed, some agencies and departments, forced to furlough employees due to the length of those closures, discovered that as many as 90% of their employees were unneeded, at least in those short- to mid-term periods.

The proposal is disingenuous because the debt ceiling needn’t be raised at all were Federal spending reduced to fit within existing revenue collections. The Progressive-Democrats, though, are hell-bent on passing their splendiferously wasteful multi-trillion-dollar reconciliation bill.

If the Progressive-Democrats insist on shutting down our government in favor of their out-of-control spending, let them. If their continuing resolution contains a debt ceiling raise or waiver, let the bill fail. Let a “clean” continuing resolution fail, too.

There’s an election coming up.

Update: Late last night, the House passed their version of a Continuing Resolution and debt ceiling raise bill along party lines: 220-211. Shamefully, the House Progressive-Democrat managers stripped out $1 billion that would have gone to Israel to replenish its Iron Dome system, depleted during the last terrorist rocket attacks from Gaza. Then Party voted down a resolution that would have restored the billion dollars to the bill.

That election….