We’re well familiar with President Barack Obama’s view of the law: it’s just a political guideline, which he’ll enforce—or not—at convenience. See Obamacare and its Employer Mandate and Cancelled Insurance Policies, for instance.
Here’s another example. Covered California, California’s state-run ObamaMart, has given out personal contact data—names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses—on tens of thousands of Californians who went to the CC site just to check out coverage possibilities. None of these browsers had given permission to release these personal data in any way, shape, or form. Nevertheless, these data were given to insurance brokers, among others, so those brokers could cold call this additional list of sales pitch spam victims.
For what purpose this egregious invasion of privacy? Covered California Executive Director, Peter Lee, insisted with a straight face that “insurance” buyers needed help making the 23 December deadline for coverage that begins 1 January, and that he knew better how to do that—no need to obey privacy laws in the face of his higher purpose (although Lee insists that no privacy laws were harmed in the making of this move).
Lee did this while also saying
I can imagine some people may be upset[.]
Well, NSS. But never mind about that. Lee and his Progressive-controlled State Government employer know better (he is, after all, still on the payroll after this; that state’s government plainly agrees with his move); privacy laws are just guidelines.
As to CC’s claims that no other data were released, one victim of a spam email from one of those brokers wonders “what other details on his application were shared with the agent.” Indeed. What else still is being covered up?
So much for rule of law in Progressive administrations.