Because Some Things Are More Important Than Others

…and just can’t wait.

Congressmen Donna Edwards (D, MD) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D, TX) propose in the “Apollo Lunar Landing Legacy Act” that a national historical park on the moon be created to ensure the American landing sites are preserved for future generations.

Incredibly, the bill

would allow the federal government to accept donations to help preserve the landing sites and would create visitor services and administrative offices “within reasonable proximity to the Historical Park.”

Reasonable proximity.  Yeah.

Because visitors—tourists—are beating down the doors to get there, this has to be done right away.

2 thoughts on “Because Some Things Are More Important Than Others

  1. All politics are local. Maybe it says more about District 30 than it does the state at large.

    Somebody once said that Texas is the worst state in the union, except for all the others in the union. Or something like that.

    Eric Hines

  2. Ahh yes. The lovely Congresswoman Johnson strikes again. Texas 30 is the most corrupt district in the state.

    I office in the same building as her. She is a nice lady in person, but how she keeps getting re-elected is a sad testament to our state.

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