Project 100,000

In a throwback to the ’60s, and to a similar program, it seems that the present administration really is serious about helping those who are incapable of helping themselves.  Where that prior program centered on helping those who lacked the capacity for measuring up to the rigors of a military life, though, the present incarnation is centered on helping those who lack the capacity to measure up to the rigors of paying their taxes.

The present administration’s program began with the hiring of Timothy Geithner to be the man in charge of the national treasury, bringing him over from the IMF, where he had shown his inability to pay his self-employment taxes, despite having been repeatedly advised in writing by the IMF of the obligation.

Now we learn that 36 of Obama’s current staffers have been brought on board through the same program of outreach to the incapable.  These 36 owe nearly $1 million in back taxes for the 2010 tax year.  It’s not like they’re hurting for the money, either: Obama’s 1%, his staff of 457 aides, were paid a total of $37 million last year.

There’s more: the same IRS report that revealed the deficiencies of Obama’s staff also said that “thousands of federal employees owe,” in the aggregate, more than $3.4 billion in back taxes.  It seems none of these people are capable of understanding their tax obligations.

It’s clear, now, why Obama is so hard over on those who are better off—who are capable—being required to pay more.  Someone has to pay for Obama’s 100,000.

While this administration’s program of handouts for unfortunates is admirable, can we really trust the judgment that puts such people into such positions of power and trust?

(As an aside, Obama’s EPA performs even more poorly, both in total and on a per unfortunate basis: 413 of the EPA’s incapables owe nearly $19.5 million in back taxes.  Paying taxes is harmful to the environment?  Now there’s a rule….)

2 thoughts on “Project 100,000

  1. Yeah, but the tax payment failure seems to have occurred only at the IMF. At the Fed, because this was now a domestic jurisdiction, the tax payment system became something with which Geithner seems able to have kept up.

  2. Minor note – Timothy Geithner actually moved to Treasury from being President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; arguably, that’s the second most powerful position within the Federal Reserve. I believe he was appointed there during the Bush (43) administration.

    Proving that lack of vetting is an opportunity in which both sides can excel, though one does seem to do so more often.

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