“Mantle of Change”

David Wasserman, a Cook Political Report elections analyst, was quoted in Friday’s Wall Street Journal:

This has been the central challenge for Harris in the snap election: can she seize the mantle of change [from the present Biden/Harris administration or from the prior Trump administration]?

Can she, indeed? She has said within the last few years that she would ban fracking and that she would decriminalize coming over our border illegally, among other things. Her erstwhile Senate colleague Bernie Sanders (I, VT) said late last summer that any words she’s saying now that differ from those positions are only words uttered to garner votes, not serious policy changes. Harris said this fall that her values haven’t changed. In two separate interviews within the last couple of weeks, Harris gave one of the few direct answers she’s ever given to interviewer questions, this one to the question of what she would do differently from Biden. Her direct answer both times was that nothing came to her mind.

Now, at this late stage of the election season (9 days, including today, before Election Day), who would believe her if she did claim explicit, clearly stated, and materially differing policies? How could anyone tell such changes would be sincerely claimed and not just more words as Sanders characterized them earlier? Who could believe such changes, representing as they would—as they must, if they’re truly different—changes to her values?

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