Flip-Flopping for Fun and Profit

Progressive-Democrat Vice President and Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has completely repudiated her prior positions across a range of questions—or so she says—and she’s repudiated her own Biden-Harris administration policies in the process.

Her positions and her positions (not prior and current because she’s moving to erase the former from history and pretend the latter are all that ever existed) include the following:

  • border czar responsible for the current wide-open border, now claiming to be willing to take strong steps to stop illegal aliens from entering
  • “Bidenomics is working,” now claiming to wanting to fight the inflation, which her administration caused over the last three and a half years, by punishing price-gouging grocers
  • contributing to funds to bail criminals—including violent criminals—from jail, pushing for cashless bail, defunding police, now claiming to be the hard-nosed California AG. Except that hard-nosed AG was so hard-nosed she held prisoners scheduled for regular release for additional months, so hard-nosed she moved to reduce penalties for shoplifting. Pretending she didn’t do that is more of her gaslighting
  • wanting to ban fracking, now claiming to allow it
  • wanting Medicare for all, now claiming “if you like your insurance policy, you can keep your insurance policy”
  • wanting to erase ICE, now claiming…not so much

Harris’ originally made statements came from her heart and her core beliefs. Now, given the failure of those policies, she’s claiming to take other positions solely to cover her political behind.

Can we trust a politician who has so blatantly who made bold, clear statements of policy and belief in one direction to, on the eve of an election, makes diametrically opposite statements of policy and belief?

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