Adding Pressure

In a Monday editorial, the Wall Street Journal‘s editors suggest that, with Israel’s damaging Hezbollah and the associated weakening of Iran, now is the time for us (and the West) to add to the pressure on Iran. But these worthies are as timid as Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden (and Progressive-Democrat Vice President and Party Presidential nominee Kamala Harris by her complete silence).

The editors suggest striking the Houthis, despite their having cowed Biden into tolerating their closing off serious commerce through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden (he’s only letting our Navy play whack-a-missile (the editors’ term)), just don’t strike now:

The next time the Houthis attack, the US can unleash the same sustained havoc on them that Israel has on Hezbollah. The Houthis and their Iranian suppliers would no longer have the escalation advantage.

Why wait? Strike now. Cut out the tit-for-tat silliness that’s fit only for the grade school playground; in the real world that just costs lives and treasure.

Further, don’t engage in dumbass and wholly immoral escalation games—immoral because all escalation management only drags things out, running up the friendly casualty count even worse that childish tit-for-tat—get after all the Houthis’ sites, destroy them, and sink the Iranian and Iranian proxy shipping that’s moving arms to Houthi hands. And: seal off the Arabian Sea and the Arabian Gulf from all Iranian shipping of any sort, military or commercial, outbound or inbound.

But don’t count on Biden or Harris to support this. They’re too busy with their moral equivalence sewage of demanding cease-fires right damn now, which they know will only benefit the terrorists.

And now, as I write on 1 October, directly pursuant to Biden-Harris’ timidity in the face of Hamas and Hezbollah and the terrorists’ active sponsor and armorer, Iran, Iran has launched a long-duration ballistic missile attack intended to blanket all of Israel. It’s an attack, with a view to destroying Israel, that never would have occurred had the Biden-Harris administration openly stood beside Israel instead of supporting the terrorists with the administration’s shameful moral equivalence demand for diplomacy and cease-fires.

And my own, not humble, advice for the Israeli government. Don’t let your success in these two Iranian attacks go to your head. Keep in mind the possibility that Iran is sandbagging you with these two attacks, holding back their truly capable Order of Battle against the nearby day they have nuclear weapons and launch their serious attack. Which will come out of the blue, not in any face-saving response to some action of your own.

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