“Hurting Relations”

The People’s Republic of China greatly reduced its export of addicting drugs for the criminal trade into the United States after former President Donald Trump (R) pressured PRC President Xi Jinping to do so. Under Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden, Xi has resumed and vastly increased his nation’s addicting drug export, particularly of fentanyl and of fentanyl precursors into Mexico for transshipment and Fentanyl manufacture and shipment into our nation.

The fact that Xi so greatly increased his export of this drug and of its precursors, targeting us, is a clear illustration of Xi’s attack on us without going kinetic. He’s already supported, just in the two years of the Biden administration, the export into our nation enough fentanyl to completely exterminate us, were it not for the Biden-undermanned CBP.

Now Wang Wenbin, the PRC’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Information Department Deputy Director, speaking for the PRC’s Foreign Affairs Department and in turn for Xi, objects to even the slight umbrage Biden is beginning to show.

The Treasury Department said Friday that the sanctions against Wuhan Shuokang Biological Technology Co, Ltd, Suzhou Xiaoli Pharmatech Co, Ltd, Yao Huatao, Wu Yaqin, Wu Yonghao, and Wang Hongfei are “part of a whole-of-government effort to counter the global threat posed by the trafficking of illicit drugs into the United States that is causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans annually, as well as countless more non-fatal overdoses.”

Here’s Wang:

China, in the spirit of humanitarianism, has been trying to help the US as best it can….


…US [move] to impose sanctions “seriously undermines” bilateral cooperation between the two countries over drug control….

How humanitarian of the PRC to sedate us before killing us.

What sort of cooperation, what sort of relationship of any sort, can we have with an enemy nation that already is at war with us, economically and via poisoning as many of us as it can with its drug war? We are not undermining relations; the PRC already has been doing so, for years.

The Only Party Governing

Helen Raleigh, of The Federalist, wants President Joe Biden (D) to clarify his Taiwan policy to the American people and America’s allies.

Anyone who believes that the US should remain strategically ambiguous about whether it will help defend Taiwan so as not to “provoke” China doesn’t understand the thinking of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and especially its current leader, Xi Jinping.

She went on:

Although the CCP never ruled Taiwan, its obsession with the self-governing island is rooted in the party’s insecurity—the CCP wants to be the only party that governs China and sees Taiwan as a threat to the party’s legitimacy.

Here, though, she needs her own clarity. The CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, is the only party that governs the China that’s on the mainland, the People’s Republic of China. The Republic of China, the nation that sits on the island of Taiwan, is a separate nation, never governed by the PRC (which she backhandedly acknowledged later in her piece), and will only be “governed” by the PRC through naked invasion and conquering.

Here’s some strategic clarity: Biden needs to completely repudiate the 50-yr-old betrayal of the Republic of China, support the RoC’s application to rejoin the UN, and especially (re)extend formal recognition of the nation, to include exchange of embassies. This needs to be done in conjunction with the actual delivery of the billions of dollars of weapons already sold to the RoC and already paid for by the RoC, as well as the sale and transfer of yet more weapons suites. Also in conjunction with this, Biden needs to send the Navy sailing close to the PRC-occupied islands of the South China Sea and patrolling the Taiwan Strait.

And get out of the way of our rebuilding our own defense establishment: his current proposal is a cut, in real terms, of our defense spending.