Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan have given $250 billion (that’s with a ‘b’) to the Center for Tech and Civic Life, an election activist organization that’s active in a number of Progressive-Democrat strongholds in Wisconsin and expanding nationwide.
George Soros, even if the tales are true, is a piker. Zuckerberg and Chan are openly trying to buy the upcoming election. This is another example of the Progressive-Democratic Party in action.
Our republic is in increasing danger from the Patrician class.
For another perspective, that works out to about a dollar a voter in the general election. When I was in the Philippines during the post-Marcos (it turned out) Philippine Presidential election, the one that brought Corazon Aquino to power, my house girl told me that she’d been offered by a lower-level politician candidate 20 pesos—about a dollar at the time—if she’d vote for him. She then proudly said she’d declined his offer; she’d already accepted another politician’s pesos, and she’d stay with that one.
Zuckerberg: “what we and the other media need to start doing is preparing the american people that there is nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or weeks to make sure all the votes are counted.”
My Twitter response to Zuckerberg’s…nonsense:
No, @NotMarkZucker, what you and other media need to start doing is sit down, shut up, stop censoring speech.
Regarding your crocodile tears over potential violence, the Progressive-Democrat candidates already have promised unrest, violence if the election doesn’t go their way.
Indeed, as you, @NotMarkZucker, know full well, the Progressive-Democratic Party’s candidate for Vice President has said in so many words that she supports the existing “unrest,” the existing violence.
Eric Hines