The AP has gotten its panties in a twist, and the rest of the NLMSM seems to be joining them. President Donald Trump’s Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, is committing the unpardonable sin of not calling on the AP for the first question at his daily noon press briefing and Q&A. Monday and Tuesday, Spicer called on a New York Post and a LifeZette reporter, respectively. On Wednesday, it was The Washington Times‘ reporter who asked the first question.
And this, from the AP itself:
Spicer taking the first question from Stinson attracted notice because, before Trump, major news outlets were traditionally called upon to open White House press conferences and briefings.
Isn’t that precious? The only notice it drew from the adults in the briefing room was that finally press outlets other than the self-important few were getting a chance to ask questions for their publications.
The only notice it drew from us Americans across the nation was, “How refreshing.”
Oh, and, the AP’s major news outlets consists in particular, as the record notes even if the AP won’t, of the AP.