Recall the Bowie State University Obamacare kerfuffle [emphasis in the original].
Bowie State University has suspended offering health insurance for domestic students for the 2013-2014 academic year. Due to new requirements of the Affordable Care Act which will go into effect on January 1, 2014, the cost of insurance for domestic students will increase to approximately $1800 per year [from $54/semester]. If you were covered by the university health insurance last Spring 2013, your policy will expire on August 29, 2013.
Earlier this month, BSU student Eugene Craig objected via the BSU newspaper, The Bulldog Collegian; his article had this closer:
Dr [Rita, BSU Wellness Center Director] Wutoh made the announcement that the university would not be providing coverage for students this academic year, and that they could obtain insurance through the Maryland Health Insurance exchange. I guess if you like your coverage you really can’t keep it as millions of Americans have been finding out over the last month. As the plan the University has provided for many semester is considered to be out of compliance with the rules that HHS released for Colleges and Universities the University is forced to send everyone to the Maryland Exchange. This is one sure way to make sure those “Invincible Millennials” are on the exchanges to make sure the cost of the ACA is balanced out.
Craig since has been roundly criticized, including by school administrators and via his Facebook page. There, alumni (!) are calling him the “wanna be grandson of Clarence Thomas.”
Worse names, indeed.