Progressives Know Better

President Barack Obama’s “fix” for his disastrous Obamacare and its ObamaMart store was intended to “allow” insurance companies to continue in force existing policies that are noncompliant with his Obamacare law.  I’ll leave aside the Constitutional aspects of his letter to states’ insurance commissioners “specifying that current plans sold to existing customers will not be considered out of compliance with the health care law in 2014[,]” even though most are, by Obamacare design, noncompliant.

The Progressives of the state of Washington have rejected Obama’s move, but for the wrong reasons.

Commissioner Mike Kreidler said on Thursday he won’t be allowing insurance companies to extend their old policies that didn’t meet the requirements of federal health care reform.

Kreidler, a Democrat, says all of them can get better coverage on the new health care exchange.  He says at least half of them will qualify for a subsidy to help them pay the premium.

This state’s Progressives Know Well that Washington’s single men and empty-nest couples need prenatal and maternity coverage.  And they need coverage to pay for the birth control that’s both a commodity and generally not needed, at least by those empty nesters.  This state’s Progressives Know Better what Washington’s citizens need than do those Washington citizens.  Especially since, by Kreidler’s own cynical admission, it won’t be Washington citizens’ money that’s paying a large portion of the added cost.

Kreidler’s move leaves some 290,000 Washingtonians stuck with ObamaMart’s poorer plans, which have higher premiums, albeit largely covered with OPM, and with higher deductibles, which won’t be covered with OPM.

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