Fox News reported this over the weekend:
Police say protesters marching through downtown Oakland smashed a window at President Barack Obama’s campaign office.
Officials say the window at Obama’s office at 16th Street and Telegraph Avenue was broken as more than 100 protesters marched around 9 pm Friday.
Police say the marchers also smashed several car windows.
Did Debbie Wasserman Schulz, Chairman of the Democratic National Committee (and Florida Congresswoman) put them up to this in an effort to draw sympathy for Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama and to set the table for decrying conservatives?
Do I have any proof of this? No, but as Majority Leader Harry Reid said about Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney,
I don’t think the burden should be on me. The burden should be on him.
Thus, to paraphrase Reid,
The burden should be on her. She’s the one I’ve alleged has put the protestors up to this. Why didn’t she release her proof to the contrary?