Call me Luddite. A short time ago, Samsung decided to delay the rollout of its foldable cell phone for a month. I won’t miss it.
My beef isn’t the growing pains associated with the device; all of those are just Samsung’s hurried and botched release before the thing was ready for prime time. My beef is with the price and capability of the thing, stipulating that Samsung will solve those rollout problems.
Samsung’s Galaxy Fold will set you back two grand for a midget tablet’s display that’s part of a pocket calculator of limited calculational capability that also runs an app for making telephone calls. Huawei is planning a fall rollout of a slightly larger and much more expensive foldable cell—theirs will run $2,600.
For that kind of money, I can get a desktop or a laptop, a real computer that can do actual computing. That real computer includes a display that’s large enough that I can see actual image details, that makes reading material much easier on the eye, and that can hold a usefully-sized spreadsheet or document that I’m reading or writing. I had an Osborne II, back in those early days, on which I had to scroll around left-to-right and up-and-down in order to see the rest of the spreadsheet or document. I don’t need to repeat that today. PCs and laptops also can do the calculations associated with those sheets and docs, and do them rapidly—neither of which an expensive pocket calculator can do.
After all, my work depends on actual interaction with my computer; I’m not just consuming what passes for entertainment, or games, or…news…these days.
Feel like scrolling your social media accounts or flipping through the day’s doings while sitting on the subway or in your car? You don’t need to drop a couple of stacks to do that; an “ordinary” cell phone will handle that just fine. But don’t do any of that if you’re the driver in your car.