Bad Logic of the Progressive-Democrats

There is a strong Republican move to completely eliminate the death tax the Federal government charges against heirs when their love ones die.

Supporters of the federal estate tax point out that it affects a relatively small number of estates.

Leave aside the simple fact that the death tax too often forces mom-and-pop business owner-inheritors to sell that business—their livelihood—just to raise the tax vig due under current law.

The tax only affects a few? That’s their logic? The tax only hurts a few Americans, and so it’s entirely OK to keep? Progressive-Democratic Party politicians won’t even offer any serious benefit to having this death tax. Their only claim here is that the inheritors don’t deserve the inheritance since they didn’t earn it, only inherited it. Sell that nonsense to the mom-and-pop inheritors.

This is yet another Party example of why it’s so hard for our nation to have nice things.

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