Who Dat?

Ohio Progressive-Democrat Congresswoman Emilia Sykes was asked by a pressman, repeatedly, whether she thinks Progressive-Democrat Vice President and Progressive-Democratic Party Presidential candidate Kamala Harris had done a good job as the border czar. At first, Sykes pretended not to hear the question. When pressed, though, Sykes pretended not to know who Harris was, keying on a supposed mispronunciation of Harris’ name. She kept up the pretense even after the pressman identified Harris as our nation’s Vice President.

DCCC Spokesperson Aidan Johnson got into the act, emphasizing the mispronunciation:

If Republican trackers…are going to ask about the Vice President they should show respect and start pronouncing her name correctly.

Sykes and Johnson engaging in such a childish quibble of pronunciation is their confession that neither Sykes nor the DCCC can defend Party’s Presidential candidate regarding border security or immigration.

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