Not Really

The Wall Street Journal‘s news section revealed its strong Leftist bias with its Thursday article centered on Progressive-Democrat President Joe Biden’s post-NATO summit solo press conference. Biden opened his presser with a few minutes of prepared remarks, reading from a teleprompter. The WSJ‘s news person opened her discussion of his supposedly extempore question and answer period, which followed his prepared remarks and went on for an hour, with this lede:

The president spoke for nearly an hour, answering questions off the top of his head, making some minor flubs but mostly seeming like a thoroughly different person than the candidate who appeared at the debate two weeks ago. Yet by the time he took the stage Thursday, it might already have been too late.

Actually, no. While the answers might have been done without notes, the questions he took were from a list of pre-approved questioners with their pre-approved questions. That list, incidentally, he held up for all to see, announcing that he had his list of questioners on whom he’d been advised to call.

On top of that, while no particular flub was all that serious—confusing the Republican presumed Presidential candidate nominee with his own Vice President and confusing the President of Russia with the President of Ukraine (which might have been a Freudian acknowledgment) each might have been embarrassingly amusing by itself—the accumulation of them over the course of his presser was more serious than that, and made the more so following, as they did, the increasingly frequent “flubs” he’s been making over the last several weeks.

The news writer, though, omitted to mention the most serious indicator of Biden’s mental decline. As the hour wore on [sic], he increasingly rambled in his answers, and increasingly farther afield from the subject of the question to which he was responding. Worse, Biden increasingly frequently lost his train of thought, even in mid-sentence. He increasingly often finished that interrupted thought with “Anyway,” then changed the subject of his lost thought or simply moved on to the next pre-approved questioner on his list.

This is a man no longer ready for prime time, especially when facing the leaders and honchos of our enemies around the world.

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