In Which Governor Jindal Has the Right of It

Governor Bobby Jindal (R, LA) has some thoughts on the proper way to deal with ISIS and its ilk in a recent op-ed for Fox News.

I listened to the president last week as he appropriately conveyed Americans’ revulsion at this savage act and our grief at the Foley family’s loss. As usual, the president’s words were very eloquent. To his credit, the president was unequivocal regarding the evil of this terrorist group, and he took the time to list some of their crimes against humanity.


The president said that when people harm Americans, “we do what’s necessary to see that justice is done and we act against ISIL, standing alongside others.” What? Here’s an idea—how about we offer these people death instead of justice?

Because President Barack Obama’s view of “justice” is a court room and a forum for terrorists who are making war against us and against humanity in general.

Here’s another way the president could phrase it, “we will hunt them down and kill them.…”

The president also said the people of Iraq, “must continue coming together to expel these terrorists from their community.” Um, no. They do not need to be expelled. They need to be eliminated.


[T]hese people [ISIS] will only fail if we cause them to fail. It is not inevitable. Causing them to fail requires that they be defeated, destroyed, and yes, killed.

RTWT. What he said.

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