Nigerian Scam Moved North?

Has our Nigerian friend moved north?  You recall the gentleman: he’s the one who obtained millions of dollars from the Nigerian government, dollars of questionable source, and now he’s willing to share his windfall with you—if only you’ll pass to him your bank account access information, so he can deposit the funds.

Now The Daily Caller reports that one of their staff members has received an email from none other than the late Muammar Gaddafi’s widow.  It seems the poor woman is in fear for her own life and desperately needs TheDC staffer’s help, and of course she has access to ” billions of pounds and dollars” with which to reward him for his kind assistance.

From: Mariam Gaddafi ‪<>

Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 2:33 AM

Subject: Hassana


Greetings in the name of Allah, am the  wife of the late Libyan president Gadafi who was killed by rebels on Thursday 20th  oct 2011, please my life is in big danger and I would like to use you as my contact to move a huge some of money and start living a free life in your country for I have been covering my self as a Muslim since he married me, which is our religious rights nobody has seen my face or known me except my children and himself and I thank Allah for this.

I cannot be identified by anybody in the world now that things has gone bad.

Please let me know your mind for I will reward you greatly cos we are talking of billions of pounds and dollars.

Waiting to hear from you.


Heads up….

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