The Unimpressed Congresswoman

…is unimpressed. Recall that Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R, GA) was censored by Jack Dorsey and his Twitter company by his shutting down her account for 12 hours for tweets of which Dorsey disapproved and which Dorsey considered us ordinary Americans too stupid and too weak of character to be able to process properly.

Now that she’s back on the air (until Dorsey melts again), she expressed her disdain for Dorsey’s censorship and especially for his and his cronies’ arrogance (summarized by Newsmax below).

Contrary to how highly you think of yourself and your moral platitude, you are not the judge of humanity. God is. And you and the rest of your pals from the Silicon Valley Cartel are not God. Difficult for you to grasp I know, however it’s the truth. The tweets that you deem ‘appropriate’ and ‘safe’ and ‘true,’ compared to tweets you deem ‘inciting violence’ and ‘spreading false information’ and ‘claims of election fraud is disputed’ are so many times, in the opinion of many, quit hypocritical and false.

What she said.

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