Silencing Warren

A couple days ago, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D, MA) was disparaging a fellow Senator, Jeff Sessions (R, AL) who was being advised-and-consented regarding his nomination for Attorney General.  Senators objected, and then the Senate voted to require her to be silent for the remainder of that debate when she persisted in the disparagement.  Understand, too, that whatever we might think about the Senate’s rules against disparaging a colleague, the rules are quite clear and quite well known to all Senators and their staffs.

There are two things about the way the NLMSM is “reporting” on this as most of it lionizes Warren over her having been sent from the Senate podium for a few hours.  One is that the NLMSM is reporting only on the fact of the silencing, which occurred during her attempt to read portions of a 30-year-old letter from Coretta Scott King urging the Senate to deny Sessions’ nomination to a Federal judgeship. The NLMSM is choosing not to report on the behavior that preceded Warren’s attempt to read those excerpts that also included disparagement, behavior that included Warren’s calling Session “disgraceful” and “racist” and accusing him of pushing a “campaign of bigotry”—not even her citing someone else as possessing that opinion; those were her words.

The other is the NLMSM’s decision to not report another King family member‘s current view of Warren’s behavior.

Dr Alveda King, niece of Dr Martin Luther King Jr…said Senator Warren is using the King named to play the race card and stir up emotions.

“In that letter [Coretta Scott King] would be referring to some of [Senator Jeff Sessions’] comments,” King told the FOX Business Network’s Neil Cavuto. “However, she would agree today that he of course ended some [school segregation and] he worked to prosecute members of the KKK.”

King added: “It’s almost like a bait and switch, stir up the emotions, in the name of King—and my name is Alveda King…[and] play the race card, which she was attempting to do.”


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