What’s Their Plan

…to fix the underlying problem?

Germany’s vice chancellor [Sigmar Gabriel] said his country could take in 500,000 refugees annually for the next several years….

The Hungarians, at the gate to Europe (remember the Ottoman onslaught that overran Hungary and didn’t stop until Vienna?), understand.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned in an interview with Austrian television late Monday that millions of refugees would descend upon the continent if what he called Germany’s “open door” policy continued.

“As long as Europe cannot protect its external borders it makes no sense to discuss the fate of those flowing in,” Orban said.

In what way does anyone in Europe think taking in all comers—however sad their story—will in any way stem the flood? In what way does anyone in Europe think taking in all comers will in any way alleviate the suffering of those who’ve not yet left their home country(s) or, especially, those who cannot leave?

In what way does anyone in Europe think they can absorb the flood without going to the source and correcting the problems there?

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